Emergency Preparedness Guidelines
Under special situations and circumstances which includes natural forces (tornadoes, hurricanes, lightening, severe thunderstorm) the Principal reserves the right to order an emergency school closing, if he/she considers that this decision is in the best interest of the students.
Whenever Miami-Dade County Public Schools are closed due to an emergency, Brito Miami Private School will be closed. Everyone should adhere to the instructions given by the Mayor or the Miami-Dade County Superintendent by whatever means available (radio, television, or via internet). Teachers should adhere to the Security Measures Memorandum and Emergency Schedule and Planning Guidelines at all times. Closings will be posted on school web-site and will be sent via text to parents who joined our text club as an additional resource.
Brito Miami Private is directly connected with the National Weather Service. The combined all hazards/weather alert broadcast network is a single, most immediate source for comprehensive weather and emergency information. Emergency bulletins including alerts; regarding tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, natural storms, severe weather, Amber alerts, hazardous explosions, fires, chemicals spills and civil emergencies are communicated through these means.
Gas leak, fire, explosive, chemical spill or bomb threats may arise as an internal or external threat. In the event any type of threat is made that endangers the safety of the student body, faculty or staff, the building will be evacuated or other measures will be taken as indicated in the “Faculty Emergency Procedures.” Depending on the severity and considering all factors involved, a degree of alert will be announced or an evacuation will take place. Local authorities will be notified immediately.
In the event there is an unforeseen situation that requires immediate lock down of all doors, it will be announced. All administrators and teachers are to follow the “Faculty Emergency Procedures” and remain at a standstill until further instructions are given.
The Emergency Preparedness of each child are paramount at Brito Miami Private School. We are regulated, licensed and inspected by the Florida Department of Children & Families, formerly known as (HRS) since our inception in 1970. Brito Miami Private School adheres to all safety and health standards as set forth by City, State and County Regulations pertaining to the Fire and Health Department.
Inspectors from Children & Families make inspections approximately three times a year or more. Furthermore, we get a full evaluation for re-licensing during the month of July. The Fire and Health Department also conduct inspection regularly during the school year. In addition, Brito Miami Private School is fully accredited by "Council of Bilingual Independent Schools" (COBIS) that has its own strict standards which supersede those from Children & Families. Our Daycare is also accredited by “Accredited Professional Kinder-5 Learning Environment” (APPLE). This is a state of Florida organization which insures quality in the early learning industry through advocacy for education.
Both COBIS & APPLE send a full visiting committee which review and inspect every aspect of the school.
We comply with the following health, sanitation, safety laws and codes.
Student Health Examination (Form DH 3040 or other certification) for each child upon admittance to kindergarten or initial entrance into school in Florida, in accordance with s. 10033.22(1), Florida Statues.
Florida Certification Immunization (Form DH 680 or valid Exemption from Immunization for each child, in accordance with s. 1003.22(4), Florida Statues.
Immunization Annual Report of Compliance for Kindergarten and Seventh Grades (Form DH 684), in accordance with 64D-3.011(3), Florida Administrative Code.
Provide for appropriate screening of students for scoliosis at the proper age, in accordance with s.1003.22 (4), Florida Statues.
Public/Private School Inspection Report (Form DH 4030), in accordance with 64E-13, Florida Administrative Code.
Limited-Use Public/Private drinking Water System Sanitation Survey & Inspection Report (Form DH 4020-For schools with their own wells), in accordance with 64E-8, Florida Administrative Code.
Food Service Inspection Report (Form DH 4023- For schools with on-site hot food services) in accordance with 64E-11, Florida Administrative Code.
Department of Health and US Department of Agriculture standards and meet meal pattern requirements as specified in 7 CFR Part 226.20.
Mandatory Measurements Nonresidential Radon Measurement Report (Form DH 1777), in accordance with s.404.056, Florida Statues, and 64E-5, Florida Administrative Code.
Fire Code Inspection and compliance in accordance with s.633.025, Florida Statues, and county and/or municipal ordinance.